Sunday, January 20, 2008

Snowing Moments

Today's I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E!!!

Had Ps. Gary shared about 'Making the Most of Everyday'. It has practical steps and we should set priorities in our lives - God must and has to be the first in our lives.
Today I baked a cake - Chocolate Cake! Thanks to my 'baking si fu' --> Sherry. and I've learnt how to make frostings as well, which turned out to be real good...Awesome.

Thank you Sherry! Sherry and Bob are lovely couples.

ha...One very interesting thing I've found out was that, 'Daylight saving time'. What a creative idea! and how shallow I't know it till now.

It's extremely cold today! -18'C!

BLIZZARD. that's the snow storm, but I like it. hee...
That's a wonderful experience! Seeing inches of snow on top of the roofs, field, staircases, and cars...just spectacular. So... ...'whitish'.

Carol invited us over to her home for dinner, I must say:-

the rice - Superb
the wine - Phenomenal
the salad & dressing - Terrific
the rolls - Irresistible

She and her husband made up this little charming English Village decor and spice up the whole living room.

We had a hearty dinner and we enjoyed the conversation with each other. A great time spent together!
Cross-cultural learning is so fun, interesting and interactive! You'll never get bored from it and you'll ask for more. It gets addictive.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Snowy, Chilly, Freezy...

It turned to be really cold this week onwards. It's 0'c outside...Chilly...

Finally, have my first pop corn in life! Caramel Popcorn! I mean...I made it!!!All by myself!! It feels so good!! Bangin'!!

Went to the Lewis and Clark Inter pretive Centre and found lots of interesting stuff!!
Walking along the largest river in Montana - Missouri River.

and oh yes, I've tried the Mongolian BBQ here! It tasted so good! Feels like Im at home in Malaysia. Cuz, they offered chinese food...Yum-Yum...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

After approximately a month of stay in Great Falls

Certainly, I found that I made the right choice! and God is in control!

Great Falls Public Library has almost everything you want,
Shopping without any sales tax,
Friendly and awesome people you see,
Relax and no stress daily routine,
Chilly and/or freezing climate...

And snowing become one of my favourites!!